American Military Strategies in the Revolutionary War
This exhibit showcases the military methods and strategies used by the Continental Army to defeat the British in the Revolutionary War. It pays specific attention to their guerilla tactics, strategic alliances with the French and other nations, and knowledge of the geography of colonial America.This research is aimed at anyone interested in learning about the Americans’ victory in the Revolutionary War, but more specifically, the military and battle-focused side of the era. While there is a complex history of the intersection of European imperialists with the Native Americans in colonial America and the politics surrounding the ordeal that predated the fighting period of the war, I’ve seen that people are mainly invested in the battles the colonists fought against the British. I think teaching a wider audience about my topic will pose a good juxtaposition to the strategies and methods seen in wars today, which is something I am personally interested in.
My goal of this research is to discover how the 3 factors of using guerilla tactics, securing alliances with the French and other nations, and having knowledge about American geography worked together to give the Americans a significant advantage to eventually beat the better-trained and larger British Army and officially secure independence once and for all.
Michael Collins